Modern systemic couples counseling

Online for couples and individuals - Presence and/or online

When life experience, sound training, empathy and clarity come together:
A loving relationship is not a coincidence, but a conscious decision. We can learn relationship skills just like playing the piano or a language. All it takes is the inner willingness to have an extraordinary partnership. In couples therapy or marriage therapy, you and/or your partner will learn efficient techniques that will enable you to successfully and sustainably leave the problems of the past behind you.
| Relationship happiness has been proven to be the most important factor for a fulfilling life for most people!
However, problems, conflicts and crises often arise in relationships
More than half of all marriages end in divorce. The trend is rising, with second or third marriages even reaching around 75%.
| If the relationship becomes problematic, this has a direct impact on our entire attitude to life.
| The topics are: lying, cheating, hurting, leaving and much more.
But what do we really do in our lives? If you are looking for well-founded inspiration and impulses on how you can sustainably improve your relationship, then (evidence-based) modern systemic couples therapy in the form of online consultation is exactly the right thing for you. No general (secret) recipes, but researching your individual solutions.

It is time to expect more – modern systemic “high class” couple therapy (HCP).

Bernd and Doris Nickel = experienced couples counseling.
Modern systemic couple counseling, relationship coaching, couple therapy, or marriage counseling means:

  • | Look into the future and not look back too far into the past.
  • | “Modern systemic couple therapy” means quickly effective systemic short-term therapy.

Five sessions two to four weeks apart or intensive couples counseling or a power day are usually enough.

  • | Our method combines the findings of classic systemic couple therapy with the beliefs of Michael Mary and Arnold Retzer
  • | We also use the latest findings from Professor Gerhard Roth on the topics of personality, decision-making, and behavior
  • | You will learn the four requirements that and why people change.

Get professional help – better late than never

You want…

  • finally bring lightness back into your relationship?
  • be able to talk and laugh together again without any worries?
  • grow old happily together?

Even though you may not be able to imagine it right now, there are efficient techniques that allow you to leave the past behind you and look constructively into the future.
Experience what connects them. Understand yourself and your partner. Find your solution!

Systemic couples counseling, couples therapy, marriage therapy or relationship coaching

is just right for you if you are in a relationship crisis.

  • | Don't wait until it's 5 past 12!
  • | Solve your couple problems now!
  • | Prevent further downward spiral!
  • | Bring more momentum back into your partnership!

We have specialized and focused – we only do ONE thing, but we do it right:
Couples counseling - couples therapy - marriage counseling and relationship coaching.
Three terms, three synonyms for one goal: your happy, stable relationship.
We'll help you.

For coupleFor singlesFor all
Jealousy and fear of loss
Vain love (two narcissists)
Cheated, what now?
In love with someone else, what to do?
Have a happy relationship. How?
Improve communication
Resolve conflicts sustainably
Open relationship
On/Off relationship
Resolve sexual problems as a couple
Strong entrepreneurial couple
Sexual problems
Constant violent toxic arguments
Separation, without the War of the Roses
Save toxic and difficult relationship
Dealing with allegations
Different needs
Different libidos
Overcome fears
Overcome jealousy
Overcome loneliness
Overcoming addiction to harmony
My partner has a quirk
My partner doesn't feel like having sex
My partner is dominant
My partner is jealous
My partner left
My partner is a spider monkey
My partner is letting himself go
My partner wants to go
My partner withdraws
Get rid of feelings of guilt
Build self-confidence
Sexual problems
Thoughts of separation
Build trust
Work-life balance
Dissolve constraints
Important behavioral patterns in the relationship
Gain self-confidence
End emotional chaos
Relieve pain & grief. Regain attitude
Learn to recognize apocalyptic behavior and change it
Make the decisions that are right for you
Regain your relationship happiness
Being a man and being a woman

*Partner: this always means both the male and female form

Suggestion: instead of partner*, write partner/in or new: partner:in

Couples therapy or marriage therapy can help you overcome your relationship problems. Arrange an appointment now!

Zitate im Kontext der Paarberatung

Information: Lange Öffnungszeiten

Termine angepasst an Ihre Bedürfnisse
  • Angepasst an Ihre Bedürfnisse
  • Auch spätabends
  • Auch samstags und sonntags

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Die Informationen auf dieser Website dienen ausschließlich Informationszwecken und ersetzen keine professionelle Beratung durch einen Paarberater oder Paartherapeuten. 

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Das Erstgespräch mit 100 % Zufriedenheitsgarantie

Auf diesen Seiten können Sie die Besonderheiten der modernen systemischen Beratung kennenlernen.
Eine lösungsorientierte Kurzzeit-Methode, die Spaß macht, neue Erkenntnisse bringt und nachhaltig zum Glück führt!

Wir freuen uns auf Sie.
Ihre zertifizierten systemischen Paartherapeuten
Bernd und Doris Nickel.

Buchen Sie jetzt digital einen Termin für eine Paartherapie, eine Paarberatung oder ein Paarcoaching für Paare oder Einzelpersonen

Paarberatung, modern, systemisch, lösungsorientiert, effektiv und effizient.
Durch zertifizierte, erfahrene Paarberater/Paartherapeut und Paarberaterin/Paartherapeutin.

Nach oben
Eine Chance für Ihre Liebe.