Modern systemic relationships counseling

Specialist practice for systemic couples counseling in English - Presence and/or online

Crises of meaning, burnout, relationship conflicts, bullying, communication disorders, preparation for conversations, creative blocks, deficiencies in areas of life, the feeling of being unfulfilled, new goals and visions, increased performance, unsuccessful search for a partner, desire for change, contradictory goals.

We specialize in all topics related to partnership. Starting with the search for a partner, through partnership conflicts, right up to separation advice when there is no other option. Our advisory services include all areas of family, love, marriage, relationships and partnerships. Experience couples counseling that is fun! Learn the secret of happy long-term couples. The secret is quickly revealed. We help you experience it. We would be happy if you trust us.

Phases of family, love, marriage and partnerships

  1. Looking for a partnership/single advice
  2. Couple formation, marriage, no children
  3. Partnership, marriage with small children(s)
  4. Partnership, marriage, relationship with school-age children
  5. Partnership, marriage, relationship with children in adolescence
  6. in the process of replacing children
  7. after children move out until retirement
  8. after retirement (55plus advice)
  9. In old age until death

We want you to live happily.

Couples counseling as an opportunity for YOUR love

When love is in trouble - get the relationship under control with experienced couples counseling.

Your individual path to your happiness - “experienced couples counseling” The term “experienced couples counseling” describes a special systemic and solution-oriented method. This form of counseling assumes that the behavior that people develop in difficult life situations basically contains information on how to deal with their problems. In "experienced couples counseling" the main aim is to make the problem behavior visible and tangible as well as the already existing ones to discover existing coping approaches. Systemic and solution-oriented methods are not only based on purely rational and verbal communication and behavior, but "experienced couple counseling" also includes various levels of perception to obtain information, such as • the body • feelings • fantasies • spatial positions • and the attitude of those affected. In the process of “experienced couples counseling” the partners feel, see, hear, sense, do or recognize their current, real relationship status. You see yourself in the mirror and see more clearly the connections and problem patterns in which you are entangled.

We will walk this path together with you!

What can you expect from modern systemic couples counseling?

We ask different questions: What is the real state of the relationship - and how is it perceived individually? What expectations are there? The often subconscious motives of both partners that contributed to the current situation are also questioned. Since people and partnerships continue to develop over time, it is important to us to show opportunities and ways to take personal wishes and requirements into account when shaping the relationship. Changing partner behavior has a direct impact on the relationship. Together with you, we recognize these and develop individual solution options based on this relationship balance. We want you to live happily.

Experienced couple counseling aims to develop a relationship perspective by exploring behavioral motives, wishes and needs, and indeed the relationship as a whole. This is completely open-ended. All conceivable approaches and possible solutions only emerge during the consultation. There is no ready-made scheme. It's not about manipulating or changing your partner, but about accepting and respecting them as an independent individual. Every relationship is characterized by communication between the partners; every action is followed by a reaction. We help you to better understand your partner and your relationship and to find ways to have a happy and fulfilling relationship.

Zitate im Kontext der Paarberatung

Information: Lange Öffnungszeiten

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  • Angepasst an Ihre Bedürfnisse
  • Auch spätabends
  • Auch samstags und sonntags

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Das Erstgespräch mit 100 % Zufriedenheitsgarantie

Auf diesen Seiten können Sie die Besonderheiten der modernen systemischen Beratung kennenlernen.
Eine lösungsorientierte Kurzzeit-Methode, die Spaß macht, neue Erkenntnisse bringt und nachhaltig zum Glück führt!

Wir freuen uns auf Sie.
Ihre zertifizierten systemischen Paartherapeuten
Bernd und Doris Nickel.

Buchen Sie jetzt digital einen Termin für eine Paartherapie, eine Paarberatung oder ein Paarcoaching für Paare oder Einzelpersonen

Paarberatung, modern, systemisch, lösungsorientiert, effektiv und effizient.
Durch zertifizierte, erfahrene Paarberater/Paartherapeut und Paarberaterin/Paartherapeutin.

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Eine Chance für Ihre Liebe.